
For extended reading and interviews


For extended reading and interviews

Let's Get to the Heart of Things


"Music is our everything; we live and die for it. It’s our way to be human, so making songs that make that deep human connection is really important for The Used." In a new age of releasing music in a socially-distanced world, Bert McCracken and The Used face the challenge of human connection when physical connection is taboo. HM contributing writer Andrew Voigt dives in with McCracken about The Used's new album, Heartwork, his absence on social media, and why 2020 will be the year of rice.

PR in the Time of Pandemic


No one knows artists better than Amy Sciarretto, industry veteran and President of Atom Splitter PR. So when the world hit pause and artists had to call an audible, there is no one better to talk to about how those bands are pivoting in a new reality. Sciarretto talks to us from her own home in New Jersey about how the pandemic is affecting artists, their process of undergoing transition, and how it's going to change music – maybe in great and unexpected ways.

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