Hawk Nelson


HM Album Reviews


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I saw Hawk Nelson back in 2009 when they were touring with Skillet. The band joked from the stage that they loved touring with Skillet specifically because it meant they’d get more than just teenage girls at their shows. In the past few years, there audience has stayed largely the same; I always liked their pop-punk sound, but they seem to have forgotten the punk part in the last few years. It makes the musicmuch easier to digest.

It isn’t really a knock against Hawk Nelson they’ve changed things up for more of a pop sound, but I still miss their old punk attitude. His is one of the most positive and uplifting albums I’ve listened to so far this year. There’s an infectious sense of hope that pervades throughout the album. I like Diamonds because there’s genuine conviction in the message. Usually radio friendly Christian music seems a little shallow and watered down to me but there aren’t any “Jesus is my girlfriend” songs here. It’s a more mature message than their older stuff and themes run the gamut from songs of praise, hope and compassion for those hurting, to even reminding us that we have more to be thankful for than we usually are. While the album may be a little too radio friendly for my taste it doesn’t change the fact that it’s an amazingly positive and fun album to listen to.

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