Newsboys Global Tribe update

News 31 Jan 11 By

Newsboys Global Tribe update

News 31 Jan 11 By

As you will notice, our new newsletter focuses on the people we serve, providing a better look at their lives, struggles, and our challenge to provide. In this way, we will take you on the road to meet the single moms, read their story, and have the opportunity to view poverty through their eyes.

Garbage for Groceries?
On the Road with Global Tribe

As I took out the trash this week, I thought back to a few weeks ago. Global Tribe leadership was in Mexico to plan our first innovation center with local city officials in Tecate. As we drove from Rosarita Anthony made a turn and began driving over ruts through demolished structures. A few hundred yards ahead we stopped at railroad tracks. Anthony had been there before, and actually took the photo on the cover of our new brochure. Within seconds of stopping, we heard voices shouting “Americanos.” The time we spent there touched each of our hearts deeply. The song “Jesus loves the little children” took on fresh meaning.

Looking around, we saw a handful of rundown shanties, homes made from scraps held together with a wish and a prayer. Men, women, and children gathered around. Daily scratching out survival, this “community” of scavengers told how they dig out their meals and clothing from the city trash dump just 50 yards away. One of their biggest fears is that the city is changing dump locations, their only food supply.

More than half were single mothers, victims of abuses unspeakable, alone, with several children. They recycle anything to sell and get clean water. Unskilled and uneducated, they hope for $1 a day in wages to stay alive. Their future looks the same. A couple of weeks after our visit, Anthony stopped by again, with water, food, blankets, and a few supplies to offer help.

So as I took my trash out, I could not imagine digging through it days later for a meal or clothes. I don’t have to, but our new friends in Mexico do every day if they want to eat. Who could imagine walking through trash with your kids digging for a meal, much less clothes? We looked into the eyes of those precious mothers and their beautiful children and saw the answer first hand. It is truly heartbreaking. Without education or skills, they are relegated to life’s dump.

Today, there are 900 million mothers (globally) making less than $1 a day. We found a dozen of them that day by the dump in Mexico, and 400 more down the road in Tecate.

We have found more single mothers with children living in extreme poverty in Haiti and Africa. You will see them soon and read their stories. Alone we can do nothing, but together, we are changing lives.

Together we can help them learn to earn, and provide the tools to make a living – off the trash dump. Help us rescue the single mothers and in so doing, rescue their children. The photos you see here were taken that day in Mexico.

So as you take out your trash, remember these faces and pray for those poor souls. They are out of sight, but don’t let them be out of your mind. I so wish I could say these precious mothers and children are the exception, but tragically, there are so many more.

As we start this new year, I ask, on their behalf, for your support – whether $1 a day, or more if you can.

To make a donation, you can click here for a secure online donation, or call 888-9-GTRIBE (888-9-487423) to make a donation by phone.

  • We have received 4 computers for our temporary Innovation Center.
  • Our Mexico Director Cesar and our associate Lorena Quezada have already begun teaching the single mothers life skills, building their self-esteem, and hygiene.
  • Blankets, food, and presents were delivered by our Mexico Director, Cesar Uribe, who lives in Tecate.

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800-9-GTRIBE (-487423)



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