
Stand Your Ground releasing new album

News 19 Aug 11 By


Stand Your Ground releasing new album

News 19 Aug 11 By

“We decided to call this album Dispondenseas (with the last four letters changed to play on a nautical theme) because we’ve seen how people can look at life either as good or bad. We were influenced by our past relationships and the decisions those people chose in life. Though our lyrics reflect the struggle in these personal relationships, we’re trying to put forward the message ‘Hey, your life may be hard, but you have the power to improve it.” Guitarist Daniel Taylor speaks on his musical outfits, Stand Your Ground’s new full-length album on Mediaskare Records (Bury Your Dead, The Ghost Inside, Reign Supreme). Tennessee’s Stand Your Ground have been taking the community by storm with their faith based message and unique blend of metal and hardcore styles.

In between their tours with Sovereign Strength and It Prevails, the band locked themselves inWarrior Sound Studios in Chapel Hill, NC with producer Mitchell Marlow (who has played in bands like FilterHe Is Legend, and Classic Case). As to what resulted from their recording time, Daniel explains “This is the most mature music we’ve ever done.  We experimented with a lot of low tunings and tones and I feel extremely proud of what we accomplished with this album.”

Speaking on Stand Your Ground’s influences, Daniel says “We’re a metalcore band, but we’re hardcore kids. We set ourselves apart because unlike most hardcore bands, we’re not trying to be ‘hardcore’. And though we’re also Christians, we’re about the music first. We try to write lyrics of inspiration, but without targeting a specific audience or group of teens.”

Daniel started playing music with his brother, bassist Jonathan Taylor, in 2002. Since then, the two have formed various bands with numerous musicians. In 2007, however, the brothers formed what would become Stand Your Ground. Rounding up the rest of Stand Your Ground is vocalist Will Ford (the main contributor to the band’s lyrics), guitarist Micah Messamore, and drummer Troy Prater.

Though they’ve previously recorded demos and an EP to shop to labels with, Dispondenseas is Stand Your Ground’s first album with Mediaskare Records.  Daniel relates “We are pumped about being on Mediaskare Records. At first, we were signed to another label, but they couldn’t properly release the album and had to drop us. What started off as a huge bummer turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  Mediaskare are really excited about us and our music, and we’re pumped to be received along bands like Bury Your Dead and The Ghost Inside,” Daniels explained.  The band will announce fall touring plans shortly.  For more info:


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