Abated Mass of Flesh
The Anatomy of Impurity
The Anatomy of Impurity
The Anatomy of Impurity is death metal multiplied by chaos. The mix buries every sound except for the guitar, snare drum and a few cymbal crashes. The guitars are definitely at the forefront here. They are strong and deep, which would be a plus if it weren’t at the expense of the other sounds. The snare may be impressively rapid-fire, but paired with nearly inaudible bass hits, the end result lacks power. The rhythms and riffs begin feeling monotonous after a couple of tracks.
The understated vocal growls – periodically punctuated by screaming – lack articulation and come across too muddled to be much more than a background sound. The lyrics are uncompromisingly spiritual. They reflect the harshness of life and the hope and comfort offered by the Lord. To some degree, the style of music on this EP can be seen as a reflection of those harsh times; unfortunately, both those times in life and this musical reflection of them may strike the listener as undue suffering.