Zao is alive and very much breathing, according to a recent interview. They’re looking to move forward with recording it “very soon” as it’s in its “final stages.”
We have been working on new material for a good bit. We are in the final stages of getting everything ready so hopefully we will be recording it very soon. All of the other bands are very active with playing and recording . Jeff has released 2 records with Emanuel, and both Marty and Scott and Dan’s bands are recording as we speak.
Interviewer: I see kids still to this day picking up Zao albums and falling in love with the band. Will Zao play for a new generation of fans ?
I think this style of music lends itself for younger, angsty people to latch onto. I mean, it’s pissed off lyrically and musically and most kids are pissed off. I’m 35 and I’m still pissed about so much. Dan speaks from his heart and (the) truth from within himself, I’ve always felt that as long as you are real, people will identify with that.
Most importantly:
Zao is still very active and not broken up, everyone lives in different regions and all of us have music styles we want to explore.