Rebuker is one of those great bands that came out of nowhere last year. They caaught the eye of Josh Scogin, and were asked to end their 2013 opening for The Chariot on their farewell tour. HM had the honor to see them play live on this tour Austin. The band is starting the new year off with their first video for their song “Death and Taxes,” off their debut EP, Familiar Stranger. Filmed with footage from the last show of the tour in Douglasville, all I can say is that the torch The Chariot lit is now in good hands with Rebuker. HM talked to Rebuker’s drummer Robby Simon about the tour that inspired the video:
We were on that whole (Farewell) tour. It was amazing. Josh Scogin is our General Manager, and when we were approached about the tour, we were ultimately taken aback and humbled. He put out our current EP, Familiar Stranger. Being on that tour influenced us in so many ways, especially how The Chariot connects with their audience. Of course, their performance (was also influential), not just in the way they move, but how much they put into every show. (That tour was) our first tour ever as a band, and it was humbling and eye opening seeing new places and people everyday. I can’t put into words all the joy we felt that entire tour.