If you miss the creativity of music videos, look no further than this new “short film” for the addicting song “Luxery.” You may not recognize the name Jon Bellion yet, but give it a week, and this video will be huge. Bellion is most known for being the songwriter of Eminem and Rihanna’s chart-busting song “Monster,” but his song “Luxery” might shift the spotlight to himself. It’s rad to hear such an open and spiritual song from the young songwriter.
His sophomore album, The Definition, drops tomorrow.
Bellion explains the peculiar video:
“God gave all of us a light from childhood. A divine flicker of creativity and closeness to Him. As you get older, the world puts thoughts in your head and tries harder and harder to extinguish that light. HOLD ONTO THAT LIGHT. That light is faith. That light is the goodness of God.”