Times of Grace video on AltPress.com

News 2 Dec 10 By

Times of Grace video on AltPress.com

News 2 Dec 10 By

Times of Grace’s brand new video for “Strength in Numbers” premiered on AltPress.com today!

This is the first video from the band’s forthcoming debut The Hymn of a Broken Man, which lands in stores on January 18. What a terrific way to start the new year, with Jesse Leach and Adam Dutkiewicz, AKA Adam D.

For those not keeping score at home, ToG is the brand new project of KsE guitarist/producer extraordinaire, Adam D. Adam penned all the music for ToG in his head while he was recovering from back surgery, which had sidelined him from doing a KsE tour. He shared the music with his good friend (and original KsE singer) Jesse Leach and Times of Grace were born.

Adam and Jesse made their mark on modern American metal with 2002’s Alive or Just Breathing, which IMO, is a definitive release of the ‘00s. AOJB was one of the first releases I worked when I started my career at RR (I know, I have been here forevs!) and that record remains one of my favorites of all time and of my tenure here, and I’m proud to say that I’ve worked some pretty fabulous, definitive, now-classic records in my time!  Back then, I knew something special was unfolding, and Adam and Jesse were key pieces of that feeling.

Now, it’s a new decade and a new project, and a new yet familiar sound. The duo aren’t attempting to replicate the past; rather, they are capitalizing on their explosive chemistry and forging something new.

You can check out the video via the premiere page and the front page of AltPress.com.

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