RYFO A Pepsi Finalist

News 5 Jan 11 By

RYFO A Pepsi Finalist

News 5 Jan 11 By

& RYFO 2.0 ‘LITE’ (update)

Ryfo Network,

I never imagined that we would ever be in the running for a Pepsi grant worth $250,000.  And I never imagined that we’d finish in the top 10% of 308 projects in our category.  I never imagined that we’d be so blessed by such a large group of faithful partners, artists, and others, using their networks to help us win.  And I never imagined that God would use this competition in the way that He did.

We knew going in to the planning stages of this competition that we as a staff would learn a lot about ourselves, teamwork, and how to run a campaign.  And we did.  But what we didn’t know was that God was going to use Pepsi to narrow our vision, point it more towards Him and purify it, and give us knew excitement…despite not winning.

This past Summer, many of you helped us raise $10K towards our RYFO 2.0 project.  Now with the completion of our recent Pepsi campaign, we have a better idea of where we are at and what we need to do moving forward.  I am excited to say that we will now begin development on a LITE version of RYFO 2.0, thanks to your generous gifts.  The team and I have begun spec-ing out a detailed plan for development; one that is scaleable and allows room for growth. I must ask you for your prayers though. $10K is a very different number than $250K.  Please pray that God would expand these resources we do have, so that we might build the bridges that will truly resource further ministry collaboration, community and care.  Pray that He brings us the right developers and partners, at the right price.

You have blessed me with your partnership.  Thank you to the many bands and orgs and individuals that joined with us in helping promote our Pepsi campaign.  We had fun with you!  And you kept us encouraged.

As we walk on, my prayer for you is the same as it is for me.  I pray that you would desire nothing but to see God’s goodness and to clearly make His glory known…

…make Him famous, serving the voices.

Nick Greenwood

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