Rush of Fools share words of comfort on Alabama tornadoes

News 6 May 11 By

Rush of Fools share words of comfort on Alabama tornadoes

News 6 May 11 By

(Birmingham, AL) April 28, 2011 —– Yesterday we have experienced a great and horrific tragedy as a community, as a city, and as a state. The death tolls for the greater Birmingham area are still unknown, but are rising by the hour. Families are left with nothing but each other, if even that. What do we, as a band, say to this?

Whether we see our days as good or bad, our lives and things as gain or loss, our God is sovereign. He is sovereign over ALL things, not just happy things. Throughout the story of Scripture, we see God causing and calming storms, destruction, chaos. This is where theology is difficult to swallow. God is NOT the Red Cross. He’s GOD. We are praying that our city would be comforted this day by the words found in Psalm 148:7-8…

“Praise the Lord from the earth, you great sea creature and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling HIS word!”

As a band, which calls the beautiful city of Birmingham home, we mourn today with and for the many who have suffered tremendous loss. Our prayers go out to those who are looking at what used to be their home or local business, which is now just pile of debris. Our sadness sits with those who have talked to a loved one for the last time. Our peace, which surpasses our own understanding, rests in a Holy God that loves and cares for His children.

In the coming days, we will be working diligently with our own faith family ( to be just a small part of all that God will do in the coming weeks to draw men unto Himself in and around Birmingham. With great suffering, we always see great Kingdom impact. As one of the elders of our church, please know that email chains have already been started to figure out how we can best serve our city for the glory of God. Please remember, our God is sovereign. It will help you shut your eyes tonight, knowing that if He wills it, your heart will continue beating without you even knowing it. We love you Birmingham.

-Kevin Huguley and Rush Of Fools

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