Blues-rock guitarist Marc Ford is in the process of getting his sixth solo album off the ground, and to do so, he’s turning to Kickstarter. A member of bands such as The Black Crowes, Ben Harper and Pink Floyd blues-tribute band Blue Floyd, he’s also produced albums, like Phantom Limb’s The Pines. According to the Kickstarter, it will officially be Neptune Blues Club’s second record, with John Bazz on bass, Mike Malone on keys and harmonica and Anthony Arvizu on drums. Time is already booked in San Francisco’s Tiny Telephone Studios, with the goal to record the whole album using analog-only technology.
“I think it is so cool that music is being given back to the makers and lovers of music in a pure form. By the people for the people. I can’t wait to have you be part of this record by making a pledge here and help make dreams come true. And get that music delivered right to you.
“By now I’m sure most people are aware of how difficult it can be as an artist these days. So I’m asking for help to fund my next recording, vinyl, CDs, mp3s, shirts, posters, postage, etc. And a reason for us to take it out on the road.”
If you’re interested in contributing, the rewards feature smaller items like a guitar string and copies of the vinyl to private concerts and attendance at a listening party in Southern California.
[button url=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/539780993/marc-fords-new-record” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#A52828″ size=”6″ center=”yes”]Visit Marc Ford’s Kickstarter »[/button]Photo “Marc Ford 072707”. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikipedia.