Their Throats are Open Tombs is streaming their full-length self-titled album in full today on HM. The band, formed in late 2014, partnered with SkyBurnsBlack to release the album, which is available as a free download. But, if you purchase a physical copy for $6, every penny of the proceeds will go to Oxfam. “With thanks to SkyBurnsBlack Records for partnering with us to release this album,” they wrote to HM. “All proceeds from sales of this record will go directly to the charity OXFAM, in support of the work they do amongst the world’s poor. There are always others in greater need than ourselves.”
We spoke more with the band about the album:
“What is all this noise about the so-called ‘prosperity’ gospel we are so keen to oppose? Basically, it’s a perversion of Christian teachings that says God wants you to be in the 1%. Lucky you, eh? We think this is lazy and dumb. So much so, we thought we’d make some noise about it. We want to see the bride of Christ set free from chains of erroneous teachings that gets her less focused on seeking the created rather than the Creator. Jesus Christ is our treasure, all else is dross.”
The album is officially released today.