In arguably the least dramatic member split ever, Tourniquet vocalist Luke Easter has parted ways with Ted Kirkpatrick and company. Easter has been with the band since Guy Ritter stepped down in 1993 after the release of Pathogenic Ocular Dissonance. When he joined the band, it seemed impossible for a vocalist to live up to Ritter’s hype. Five albums later, it seems impossible for someone to live up to Easter.
Nonetheless, the band will continue to move forward with Kirkpatrick and longtime guitarist, Aaron Guerra. Be on the look out for more music from the band in the future.
Response from Easter, via Facebook:
In June, 1993, my life changed. I joined Tourniquet and began a musical journey that has lasted more than two decades. I got the opportunity to see the world; to meet and work with amazing people; to contribute to a body of work that I am proud of; and in the process I was able to share Christ with people all over the world. I am grateful to have been a part of Tourniquet, and to have had the chance to work with someone as talented and prolific as Ted for as long as I have.
Response from Kirkpatrick:
Luke has been a valuable member of Tourniquet since 1993 and we have shared much music, ministry, and laughter. I will always appreciate his valuable contribution to our music and his representation of the band – and I know many of you will too. We’ve decided that our musical paths are not quite going in the same direction. Luke has been, and is – a great friend. I truly wish the best for him and look forward to seeing whatever his future holds.