Left Behind
Left Behind
Mexico’s premier underground death metal band, Lament, marks its 20th anniversary with this limited run EP of seven songs. The band has become increasingly progressive since their death metal beginnings as Beheaded, embracing thrash and melodic influences, but the vocals remain decidedly death metal. Left Behind is a powerful release that will have your head banging and hands drumming from the start. “Break the Spirit of Death” has a Snakes-era Bride feel to it, and “In the Hill of Seven Mountains” reminds one of Aaron Guerra’s guitar tone in latter day Tourniquet. Iron Maiden influences pop up throughout. Band leader Abel Gomez is on guitars this time around, displaying a dexterity with his clean tone leads.
Lyrics are in Spanish and the cover art is first class. Lament has remained under the radar of many metal fans for far too long. If you’re one of the uninitiated, Left Behind may just win you over.