Lacey Sturm unleashes sophomore solo album, ‘Kenotic Metanoia’

News 17 Nov 23 By

Lacey Sturm unleashes sophomore solo album, ‘Kenotic Metanoia’

News 17 Nov 23 By

Lacey Sturm - 2023

Today, Lacey Sturm unveils her second solo album, Kenotic Metanoia. The former Flyleaf vocalist has released this project independently, featuring compelling singles such as “Awaken Love,” “Reconcile,” and “Breathe With Me.”

The album’s title is derived from Greek roots, combining “kenosis,” symbolizing self-emptying, and “metanoia,” denoting profound transformation. Lacey Sturm explains that the title encapsulates a pivotal moment when one perceives a previously unseen truth about reality, challenging individuals to confront and respond to that truth—a summons to discard an outdated version of oneself.

Lacey shares more about her creative process:

“All these songs have been for my own heart. When David sings the Psalms, a lot of the time he’s telling his soul what to do. That’s me too in this: telling my soul, singing what I know to be true.”

The album’s thematic breadth spans from the vitality embodied in “Breathe With Me” to the surrender depicted in “Not Your Fight.” These songs intimately explore a spiritual journey of surrender, merging personal depth with an enigmatic allure.

Contemplating the human experience, Lacey poses existential questions: “Are we going to suffer? Do I need to fight against it, or do I stand and embrace whatever comes?” Drawing inspiration from scripture, she emphasizes the transformative power of embracing weakness, mirroring Christ’s example of self-sacrifice for love’s sake.

Featuring Lacey’s renowned songwriting and vocal prowess, the album showcases a fusion of her distinct scorching vocals with husband Josh Sturm’s intense guitar riffs. This blend promises a compelling musical experience that lives up to the high expectations of hard rock enthusiasts.

In addition to her solo endeavors, Lacey recently led Flyleaf through a successful summer of reunion dates, captivating audiences at festivals like Sick New World and Rockfest. The band’s emotive hard rock resonated strongly with fans, affirming their enduring appeal.

Kenotic Metanoia is accessible on major streaming platforms and can be purchased through Lacey Sturm’s online store.

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