Today, HM is proud to premiere the new music video from Final Surrender for “Everything to None.” The band, hailing from Bangalore, India, has long been making metal together, first putting it together in 2007 before releasing two full-length albums with Rottweiler Records.
We spoke with vocalist Joseph Samuel about the song.
“’Everything to None’ is a breakdown saga of an image of perfection lost in hypocrisy. Working on this track was an absolute pleasure; we spent a whole day dedicated to the vocals – which is a luxury – but it also included a ton of rewrites. And, by the time we finished the track, we realized we had something special on our hands.”
The band most recently release Nothing but Void in 2017. Shortly after, they put together this track, opting to take a heavier approach to the songwriting process. “I was super thrilled to pick up my 7 string guitar and write a super-heavy track for Final Surrender,” Jared Sandhy, drummer and songwriter for the band, said. “From all the years of writing music for the band, this time I was inspired to go heavier than before. In fact, the song was recorded and produced entirely in 2018. We just had to wait for the right time to put this out.”