War Generation
Start Somewhere Never Surrender
Start Somewhere Never Surrender
If you’re tired of modern rock, Start Somewhere Never Surrender is the album that will make you fall in love with the genre again. In a world where Nickelback, Halestorm and Black Veil Brides dominate rock radio, War Generation brings the most exciting release that the genre has seen for years.
From start to finish, this album is full of energy and excitement. The songs are catchy, the gang vocals fit in perfectly and the lyrics will stay in your head for days. In War Generation, frontman Jonathan Bunch takes the best elements of his former bands (Further Seems Forever and Sense Field) and mixes them together. The results are terrific. Start Somewhere… is catchier than Sense Field’s Tonight and Forever, but also more energetic than FSF’s Hide Nothing. This is Bunch at his best.
The only thing missing is solid lyrics. None of the tracks are bad lyrically, but they never shine quite as bright as some of Bunch’s earlier work. The songs are catchy and will be incredible live, but there isn’t much there to get you thinking. Instead of a few heartfelt stanzas, expect fairly typical rock lyrics such as “It’s a fight for your life until we get it right / Wake up, get ready to fight” or “Scratch to survive, gotta scratch to survive / keep us alive, gotta keep us alive / we’re too young to die, cause we’re too young to die.” What do the lyrics mean? I don’t know, but I’ll be singing them for days.
Despite a few minor faults, Start Somewhere Never Surrender is nearly a perfect rock album. Learn the lyrics now so you can shout every song when you catch them on tour.