Matt Maher
All the People Said Amen
All the People Said Amen
Mix part Derek Webb, a lot of Scott Farris, a bit of John Davis (from Superdrag) with Rich Mullins, and you’ve got a fine blend of rootsy, bluesy, and heartfelt Gospel. It’s fun, basic, and live worship that can sit alongside the Chris Tomlins and the Matt Redmans of the praise and worship music world, but you’ll have to slide a couple steps sideways (like well-worn boots across a wooden floor) to find this record.
Earthy, rustic, and full of character, it succeeds at an authentic, organic vibe that formulas can’t touch. Maher’s written a couple of today’s “worship hits”—the simple Chris Tomlin hit “Your Grace is Enough” and the powerful anthem “Christ Is Risen”—both of which are on here with several live cuts and between-song direction. Like John Mark McMillan or the new album by Citizens, All the People Said Amen has the best of both worlds for discriminating believers that love worship but hate cheese.