Comeback Kid
Die Knowing
Die Knowing
When you start a band playing hardcore and punk music, you need to do it correctly; otherwise, you will fall by the wayside, blending in with the crowd and getting lost in the shuffle. Comeback Kid continues to keep it fresh on Die Knowing, allowing the band to improve – while still maintaining a high quality of music – in their wonderful return to their rightful place as a staple of the genre since the early 2000s. Four years have gone by since their last album, Symptoms & Cures, and it feels like they never left. Die Knowing takes everything Comeback Kid is known for – speed punk, gritty hardcore, passionate vocals – and turns everything past 11. In fact, the songs on the new album may very well cause some fans to break the volume knob. The biggest improvement Comeback Kid has on Die Knowing made was with the production value. The intensity is still there – check out tracks like “Wasted Arrows” and “Lower The Line” – while the deeper, grungy hardcore returns on the title track and “Should Know Better.” But this time around, everything on the album sounds so much cleaner and more polished, without compromising their songwriting. They even have some great fun with it, on a track like “Losing Sleep,” which features vocalist Andrew Neufeld screaming like a monkey before the track slams in. True to form, the songs stick to the short side, but capped onto the end of Die Knowing is a four minute “epic” that encompasses everything the band has come to be known for. It has great gang vocal sections, perfect for their live show. This new album will be a welcome addition to a fan base that has been waiting for their next chapter.