New Zealand transplant worship band The Ember Days released their first single, “Awake,” off their upcoming live EP, recorded Bethel Church in Redding, CA.
HM talked exclusively with guitarist Jason Belcher about the record and the single:
We recorded it a Bethel in Redding on our More Than You Think tour in September last year. The whole thing was quite of the cuff. We just asked them if we could possible video and record the set and they said yes. When we got the mixes back we were in tears. Not because its the best sounding thing you’ve ever heard, but because you can experience people connecting with the Lord in this which is a sacred and special thing for us. The main portion of song “Awake” came to us spontaneously a few years ago on tour when we were just worn out and desperate to meet the Lord. Something special happened, I’m still not sure what or how, but we just started playing this song. It brought a fresh joy to us on the road, and a connection with the Lord. And now we get to share it with the world.
The album is due to hit the airwaves on April 29. Enjoy!