Sacramento Kings-fans The Ghost Inside are set up to release Dear Youth next week, but the full album is streaming on YouTube via Alternative Press. Vocalist Jonathan Vigil spoke with AP about the name of the concept album:
To be honest, it was just a lyric; it was just an idea for a song. It wasn’t necessarily going to be the album title. … The letter I wrote to myself had nothing to do with what the lyrics were about—it’s in the same vein—but the lyric “dear youth” just really stood out and was a really cool concept. It’s really what this record is about for me and us.
In light of it, Vigil explains the band isn’t in it for the fame, though that’s not a bad side product. Vigil believes in people, and through his music and records, the goal is to keep on road.
For us, it’s just about seeing more and more of the world—being able to travel, being able to see our friends across the world—that’s always been a big thing for us.
The album is available Nov. 11.