01 American Dream (feat. Sonny Sandoval of P.O.D.)
(right-click on above link and save mp3 file on your hard drive or left-click and listen as your computer’s mp3 player (possibly QuickTime) starts playing it/streaming it).
This dude knows how to chill to the max,
relaxing in a nice bass and organ-driven
groove, but he also knows how to throw in plenty of
world music sounds and crank up the energy with
smooth rock. He labels his style “CaliRockReggae”
and it fits. The lead-off title-track features Sonny
of P.O.D., who adds some nice spice that wasn’t
necessary. Balli had me at “Favela,” his rant on the
shanty towns in Brazil. [RED SONG] DOUG VAN PELT