Atticus Fault is active again…

News 27 Nov 09 By

Atticus Fault is active again…

News 27 Nov 09 By

Atticus Fault Update for November 2009

Hello, this is the Atticus Fault guys here! We wanted to keep you all updated on the progress of the record. Many of you have been asking, “When is this record finally coming out?!”  2010 is it. That is the year.
Let us give you a bit of a background on this process. When we first started officially working on this record a couple of years ago, we had some hurdles to overcome. Our lives had each taken many paths, so being able to come together was a bigger task than we imagined. Slowly our lives began conforming to the process…we began focusing on becoming a “band” again. We knew we didn’t have a label behind us this time, so we wondered if we could really follow up an album that was so well-received. But we decided to just write good songs and push on. We have recorded and produced this ourselves and are very happy with the moment we captured.
We just finished our first photoshoot for the record with  a great photographer, Scott Simontacchi. It was a blast trying out new things and we have some great shots that we can’t wait to share with you guys. Until then, we are posting a few “behind-the-scenes” shots from the day.
We also have just started pre-production work on a new video that we are excited to begin shooting with our long-time friend Mike Ashcraft…so keep an ear and an eye open. This will be an exciting next few months as we release the record and begin playing out again. We can’t wait to see you guys!

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