app stills copy

I just packed up a box of used cell phones as part of our “Save HM Campaign.” As you may have seen in our Nov/D issue, we hooked up with Go Green to Get Green and started a recycled cell phone campaign to raise funds for HM Magazine. We’re still taking phones, by the way. We’ll try to fill up another box over time. This first box is full and going out. Some people sent along their chargers, a couple people the manuals and several extra batteries. These will all be useful (not guaranteed, but…) since some of these will end up as working phones in third world countries. I had one law enforcement guy ask me if it was possible that these would be used somewhere, because he apparently could not turn the device on to erase sensitive information. Some of these phones will be melted down and/or used for spare parts, but some will end up with a user in a third world country. If said user was tech savvy, they could access the information on the phone. A couple people sent gaming systems, old ipods, a labelmaker, a calculator. No brick phones. I wish I would’ve saved mine – even if just for a prop or decoration on a shelf in the office.

Okay, Mr. Bill, from Classic Christian Rock Radio, did an interview with me earlier this month. He’s posted the audio online here.

This past month has been busy, which is why I’ve sucked at blogging regularly. Maybe if more people sent in advice questions I’d be more motivated. Mostly it’s just because I’ve been busy. We announced our move from bi-monthly to quarterly and then rolled out our “Whole Kitchen Sink” marketing plan to advertisers. And now I’m working on a new Kickstarter campaign to coincide with our new HM Magazine app (for iPad, iPhone, Android, etc). Today I’m trying to wrap up filming and editing for the little video that’ll be posted with the kickstarter campaign. Then it’s on to planning the next (April/May/June) issue, covering SXSW and going to press.

At SXSW we are having a showcase, which is filling up. It’ll be on opening night of the music fest (Wednesday, March 16th) at 311 Club on W. 6th Street. It’ll be one of those many “non-sanctioned” events going on in this live music city that week. I’ll post information when we’ve got the lineup settled.

If you haven’t downloaded our current iPhone app, you should check it out. It’s free and it gives a glimpse as to what HM is. The future apps will be for sale and actual issues of the magazine. The best thing about this free one, though, is not only does it access our online edition now (password-protected for subscribers only), but it features an RSS feed of our online news, which is updated all the time. That’s pretty handy to have available on your cell phone/mobile device. Above are a few screen shots of the app.
