
Today’s chapter takes yesterday’s chapter (basically coming to Jesus) and puts it into action – reading the Word and trusting in God to satisfy you. Sometimes it’s easy to see the words “be satisfied in God” or “look to God to satisfy your innermost longings – not a person.” It’s not always easy to make them practical. It’s mostly an attitude, a mindset. The way that it mostly comes into play is after disappointment. You are disappointed in your spouse or someone else let you down. Then, when you see those words, you can put them into effect. You can pray to God and say something like, “I am grateful that You are faithful, that You are complete, that You are all I need.” In that context, it’s a little bit easier to understand it and believe it.

When we look to a person to fill up our self-esteem, to give us security, to make us feel whole, we’ll invariably be let down. But God can enrich our lives, n0urish our soul and give us our sense of worth. He’s constant. Our job, our accolades, our popularity, our good looks, our athletic ability, our mobility, our skills – all these things can vanish, wear out or be instantly changed with an event. Getting our needs met through God will balance us out. We’ll get affirmation from others and be built up and encouraged, but it’s in a healthier perspective where we’re not co-dependent upon another person, but living out of a full heart.

Today’s Love Dare:
This one is simple. It’s spend time with God, reading His Word today.

“Be intentional today about making a time to pray and read your Bible. Try reading a chapter out of Proverbs each day (There are thirty-one – a full month’s supply) or reading a chapter in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). As you do, immerse yourself in the love and promises God has for you. This will add to your growth as you walk with Him.”

This one isn’t about buying your wife flowers or telling your spouse one thing or another. It’s about growing in Christ. This benefits you, but the result will benefit your spouse in the long run.
