Nov 12 From the Blog
"I'm looking at porn."
Get real! What does football have to do with this? Oh, I am being real. And football has very little to do with this...
Full StoryNov 12 From the Blog
Get real! What does football have to do with this? Oh, I am being real. And football has very little to do with this...
Full StoryNov 10 From the Blog
We are happy to announce that Lee Haley is rejoining the HM Magazine team. He previously worked for us from 2001 through 2004. He has been busy in the...
Full StoryNov 2 From the Blog
Remember that scene in the movie Dream Team (with Michael Keaton), where the patient who thinks he's Jesus is asked to share his testimony in a small inner-city church?...
Full StoryOct 29 From the Blog
If there was some sort of Supreme Court for magazine postal regulations, I'd push for taking this there. There are three different stages I could take this. However, the...
Full StoryOct 28 From the Blog
We are at press with our new issue. And I'm excited about the cover design. Here's a preview.
Full StoryOct 15 From the Blog
Thank you, Mark Meeks, for explaining to me in great detail what that live album you heard at the party sounded like.
Full StoryOct 12 From the Blog
...and the world is screaming...
Full StoryOct 8 From the Blog
"Children are NOT the church of the future. They are part of the church now."
Full StoryOct 7 From the Blog
There was this tough-looking guy on campus. I believe he wore a well-worn sleeveless jean jacket with patches on it, had tattoos on his bare arms (and, mind you,...
Full StoryOct 1 From the Blog
Imagine an HM festival one day. Imagine helping run a magazine like a ministry.
Full Story