…it just did. I have a copy of the recent Rolling Stone here. You know, the one with Lady Gaga’s butt on it? This issue – this magazine – just changed the world. The story on Stanley McChrystal – the then top commander in Afghanistan – featured some remarks about the Obama administration and the result? President Obama fired the guy.

I bet you a million dollars (Monopoly money) that the folks at Rolling Stone are feeling pretty good about themselves. With the writing of journalist Michael Hastings and the quotes he pulled from McChrystal they got the General fired from his position. Amazing. And who says print magazines aren’t relevant anymore? One just changed the world … and with one article.

This is a relevant point for us at HM, because we just passed the 25th anniversary milestone and we’re in the midst of a sinking magazine economy where print publishing is a dying breed. It’s nice to remember that there is still a tremendous power in the printed word – even despite the predictions of a few folks that would say otherwise.
