Here is a new idea I had for an HM sticker. Whattya think? Would you be into this (even if you live in another state)?

HM_TX_stickeroncar copy

Would you buy one for $1

HM_TX_sticker-samplepreview blkbkgrd

Complaints and such:
Did you know that if it rains a lot you will have to adjust your gate? Our fence posts moved closer together, apparently, so I had to spend some time this morning fixing that. Where is Levi the Poet when you need him? For those of you who tried logging into the HM website yesterday and could not, I apologize. Turns out one of our two domain names was hosted by a company I thought we had parted ways with. They locked up the website until I called in and got the transfer process started. It was a big hassle, but they reset the domain so that people could visit the site once again. Sometimes the relay stations (crude way to describe them) that are giant servers don’t refresh their DNS information, so that cache from older sites get sent, which meant that some people couldn’t log onto even well after the site was live again. That stinks.

We are continuing to try to get out of debt with HM Magazine. At the suggestion of many friends, we have decided to work with We accepted a project invitation from our friends at Come&Live! and have a project set up for our next issue. It is the November/December issue and we have decided to put Underoath on the cover. Only it will not only feature a unique front cover for each one, but a different back page, too. I’m toying with the idea of how the “back page” message/image will be created, but they will be unique (as in 6 different versions). For more info, check out the widget below.

Underoath Ø Frustration:
Well, I did it today. Not only did I do something really stupid, but I’ve actually trained our interns here to do the opposite. I recorded 35 minutes of silence for what should have (and was) a very usable and good interview with Underoath’s Tim McTague! We have a James Bond device that connects our phone lines to the microphone input jack of our micro-cassette (as well as another digital) voice recorder. There are two jacks on each unit. One is for monitoring (like headphones) and one is for recording (like a microphone). They’re both the same diameter. “Make sure you put this male jack into the right input,” I told the interns. Otherwise, you could end up recording nothing but silence. And just the other day, when Megan was assigned a podcast interview with Aaron Gillespie of The Almost, I pointed out: “Look! The input order is reversed or opposite on the micro-cassette recorder vs. the digital recorder. The microphone input is on the right for this one and on the left for that one.”

My interview with Underoath (two, one with McTague and one with Spencer Chamberlain) was scheduled only yesterday afternoon, so it was still a pretty sudden thing. I forgot exactly what time it was, so when McTague called after lunch I was surprised and jumped into action. I rewound the nearest record-able micro cassette** around and checked the input. ‘Yep,’ I thought, ‘it’s in the left jack. We’re good.’ I got turned around. I didn’t take the time to test the recording and then … 35 minutes later I found out I had recorded … NOTHING!

That’s a terrible, painful mistake to make. Like Jack White sings in his White Stripes “Cream Soda” song, “Oh well!”
