This is a widget for the fund-raiser we’re doing for the next issue. Check it out for info.
I saw the most amazing concert last night in Austin, TX. It was raining (really pouring, causing flash floods all over the place) – almost so bad that the drive was a question mark. I’m so glad I went, because the band put on a terrific show. But what was amazing and made me so grateful to be alive was hearing frontman Mattie Montgomery telling the crowd that he wanted to say and make clear before they played another song that they came here to proclaim the goodness of God. “Each one of you were created to stand in the presence of the Living God.”

This was powerful stuff delivered with passion and it didn’t reek one iota of manufactured enthusiasm. This resonated with more than one soul in the room. And did I mention that the small indoor room at Emo’s was packed?! Lots and lots of people were there worshiping and jamming out and there were even more there just having a great time. I wonder how they felt about seeing this electric performance. It was amazing. You would have loved to have seen it. Seriously.
