I got this email from Caleb Morgan, who manages Showbread and With Blood Comes Cleansing, along with several other artists. He shared this urgent plea for help and it got me to thinking. Here is an opportunity to help a stranger out. As far as I know, the members of Shai Hulud do not profess Christianity, so this is indeed different than helping “our own,” so to speak. This would be a way to help someone unconditionally. Just a thought. Here’s Caleb’s email:
I am emailing you to see if you might be able to help me. One of the bands I work with is called: “Shai Hulud” and their van just broke down and they recently dropped over $2k into the engine. Now they leave for tour in a little over 2 weeks!I wanted to see if you might know of someone that is selling their van at a super cheap price and would be willing to do it in payments? And/ or if you might have the money to front the band to get them a new van (used). We’d be happy to promote your company in anyway shape or form by wrapping our van with your logo all over it.Either way, please let me know if you can help. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!Caleb Morgan
New Line Music/ Management