I have a feeling something very important/valuable/cool is being ignored. I hope I’m not right, but I’m not seeing much feedback. There’s this event — this movie — that’s happening right now in several cities across the US… and it is probably one of those events that most of us will catch on to later. We’ll look back at posts like this and go, “I remember someone telling me about this cool movie awhile ago! Why did I wait this long to check it out?”

Yeah, this could be about as regretful as my memories of turning down my friends in 1982 that were going into Austin to see an Irish band called U2 play at Clubfoot. Or maybe even as bad as one of those hippies who ignored their friends in the summer of ’69, who could’ve gone out to the “Day in the Park” in San Francisco and seen Led Zeppelin play a big open-air free show.

Yeah, I think this event could be one of those special things. It’s just a really moving movie. I’ve come to conclude that it’s the best documentary film — ever! So, please don’t wait for the others to compell you to come, go see this film now.

I consider myself blessed to call the producer, Dan Merchant, a friend. He’s shared with me a little bit about how critical the opening weekend is for theaters. The attendance numbers will move the booking person’s hand as to whether or not to extend the movie or cut it loose. Opening weekend in Austin was this past weekend. I really wanted to go, but I had deadline, ACL Fest, and more deadline in every spare moment squeezed in. It’s still playing here today. I hope some folks in an around Austin take me up on this recommendation.

Some people might be convinced already. Others might be wondering about the title: Lord, Save Us From Your Followers. Yeah, it’s slightly offensive. I’m a follower of Christ. When I saw a similar sticker on a bass guitar that said, “Jesus, save me from your followers,” I was kind of sad. I think I understand the motive behind that phrase (pain, disgust, anger over the actions of people they know who claim the name of Christ), and it saddens me that the negative experiences seem to outweigh the positive so much that they’d make that kind of statement. Now, the guy with the bass guitar and sticker is a friend of mine, so I won’t talk about him (I’ve already crossed the line of gossip just by referencing his sticker), but I’ve also seen this bumper sticker around town in Austin, Texas. I understand the reaction some might have by the title: “Oh brother! Another movie making fun of Christians.” Well, the movie is produced with great entertainment value, but the criticism is: 1) valid; 2) presented humbly; and 3) a rebuke that God Himself would probably stand behind.

The movie kind of gently but candidly holds up a mirror to the Christian subculture in America and shows a reflection that isn’t really very pretty. But the movie doesn’t stop there. It doesn’t just point out problems, it offers solutions! I’m so stoked about this film. Please go see it.

Now, I’m a jerk to bring up the following paragraph. There’s something radically wrong about using your emotions to present an argument. I understand that, but I’m not exactly sure why. Here’s the wrong I’m-a-big-jerk-for-sharing-this part: I cried when I saw this movie for the second time. It wasn’t one of those, “Aww, Old Yeller just died” watching-a-Disney movie type tear rolling down the cheek. I felt compelled to pause the movie, go into my room, shut the door and let it all come sobbing out. And I was completely alone in the house at the time, too. Part of my heart was crushed by the naked exposure of this ugly sore on the bride of Christ. It broke me. I had to weep. I belong to this great big community, so I have to own up to its problems. Even if I’m not a member of Fred-What’s-His-Ego’s church, I’m muddied by the affiliation. I think my call at that point is intercession. “Lord, help me love others and see the value in each person You’ve put here on this planet. Let us disarm the ugliness, hostility and hatred with love — together, as one body.”

I think this movie will catch on. I’ll be bummed if it takes forever and a day to do so, however. Please, even if venturing out to a movie is a bit much on anyone’s random recommendation, at least check it out.

Here’s the listing in Austin for today.

And here are some more resources and info. I think there’s probably even a trailer here: http://lordsaveusthemovie.com/


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