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A personal message from Lee Haley, on why you should advertise with HM Magazine!

Hi everyone. It’s great to be back. Before any of you freak, about the way I am dressed, this is actually a still from a video shoot that I did with my band, which was a “period shot” Anyhoo, in terms of HM,  I actually never left, I have been part of HM for many years,  I still did interviews after leaving, etc for HM, when I had the chance.  I wanted to write to let you know from my heart that you should and, why you should advertise with HM Magazine.


#1 HM has been based in Austin for over 25 years.  Most of you know that Doug originally created the first versions of HM from Cardboard, literally cutting & pasting, WAYYY  before the Photoshop days.   But, from day one until today,  Doug has made it his mission to bring to the fans and HM supporters current, relevant music.

#2. Doug cares about bands and companies, ALL OF THEM!   He has also made it his mission to make sure that all of HM readers, fans, and subscribers are aware of your band, company, etc and makes every effort to influence them to support you financially!

#3. Doug and HM Strive for integrity, and excellence in music.   It’s impossible to please everyone, but Doug and HM make it his mission as well to make sure that all Music that hits the pages of HM is quality and excellent in all genres.   A perfect example of this is the CD review system that we have in place.  There are approximately 250-300 CD’s that hit the HM offices in a few months or so.  Doug/staff take all of the independent CD’s and categorizes all of them.  They are then rated from 1-5, 1 being horrid, 5 being excellent.  He then takes the 4’s and 5’s and then from that stack has to pick which bands “actually make the Pick of the Litter”   In all my years of reviewing CD’s, I only saw two 5’s the ENTIRE time, one was 38th Parallel, which was signed to Word Records.  I was told face to face by then Word/Squint President Hugh Robertson, that HM was a deciding factor on why they signed them!    Another case in Point, Brandon Ebel (Tooth & Nail, BEC, Solid State) has advertised with HM since 1993, and still does today.  If it weren’t for HM, you might not have heard of POD, Stryper, King’s X, UnderOath, As I Lay Dying, Switchfoot, etc.  And Oh yes, Mr. Rock Icon, Alice Cooper granted to HM an exclusive, when he “came out,” if you will, as a Christian.  He did not contact any other Christian or CBA-related publication and granted HM full access.

#4, Which is the most near and dear to my heart.  Doug has conviction.   It has probably never been leaked, but here it goes.  Doug has been offered, many times, by many high dollar corporate conglomerations, etc, to outright purchase HM.  These companies have waved some pretty serious dollars in his face, that frankly he and his family could have really used.  Doug refused them in order to be obedient to God, and to stay in control, so that he can keep HM relevant, current, timely, and cutting edge, because the fans Demand it, because the fans deserve it!  BTW, most of these companies are now gone. Hmm, perhaps they needed to listen to their convictions as well???….  I’m just sayin.

#5. It’s a lie from the Devil that print is dead.  I know, I know that some corporate executive that owns your record company, etc,  gave you a memo that print magazines are dead – and you drank the Kool-aid – that internet is where you need to spending your ad dollars, etc., blah, blah, blah.  Well frankly,  that’s a crock!  I am willing to bet you, that the same corporate executives that told you print is dead, just happen to own the internet vehicles that they are telling you to spend your ad dollars in.  Print is not dead, don’t believe it.  Print is a great way for your shining star graphic designers to see their awesome creations come to life on the pages.  Also it’s much easier and relaxing to pick up a magazine, flip through the pages, say on a bus trip, or vacation, etc.   They also said print was dead for newspapers, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, etc.  It’s simply not true. And, even if it were, HM Magazine has a kick-butt website that’s getting some healthy traffic (135,000 unique visits a month ain’t too shabby!).

The bottom line is I just wanted to tell you that, don’t forget where you came from, and who helped you get there!


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Lee Haley
e-mail me at lee(at)hmmag.com

