Let me ask you to make a leap – to stretch yourself – for the sake of an argument. Please, just go along with this premise just for a minute and hear what I have to say.

What if Fred Phelps, the pastor of hatred, was right? Pretend just for a moment that he was right and that God really did hate fags.

If God hates fags, then how should we respond? What should we do?

I’ll tell you right now what you should do: you should love the homosexuals. If God truly hates gays and wants to destroy them, then we should intercede for them.

Our rightful response would be to stand in between homosexuals and an angry God and plead for mercy for them. We should stand in the gap like a prophet of old – like a Moses, Jeremiah, Elijah or even Jonah.

“Lord have mercy.
Please, Lord, do not destroy them. Have mercy.”

In Jeremiah 29:7, the prophet Jeremiah said: “And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.” (KJV)

For the record, I believe God loves fags, because they are people. But anyway, pretending that this foolish, deceived, misguided man was right, we would to well to respond like a merciful man or woman towards the object of God’s judgment. If you take this approach, you’ll be in very, very good company.

Mercy triumphs over judgment.

Here is a post I made about this now-deceased man about 3 years ago at a show my band played at Emo’s in Austin.
