Holy crap! Those things are hot!!!
A good friend of mine got me some candy for my birthday. One box had Hot Tamales in them. The box was black, which I don’t remember seeing before. They are not the standard Hot Tamales. These are Hot Tamales FIRE. Oh my! Wow…cinnamon on fire. Remember when those cinnamon-soaked toothpicks were the rage in elementary school? Some kid would have a supply in a plastic baggy or something, like they were drugs? Sometimes those suckers were so hot that they’d scald your lips. These FIRE brand Hot Tamales chewy candies are that kind of extreme hot.

Holy crap! That’s some good news!
I just got an email from some organization that was reporting how Focus On The Family had a successful advertising campaign. Here’s an excerpt:

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly said the ministry’s Web site was “crashing” the day after its hotly debated pro-life ad featuring Tim Tebow aired during the Super Bowl.

The site experienced 40 times its normal volume of traffic, drawing 50,000 unique visitors and 500,000 hits, according to USA Today. Daly said the site would have crashed had Focus not beefed up its servers last week.

They got 50,000 unique visitors. I’m guessing that this in the course of one or two days. We get 110,000+ unique visits per month at hmmag.com. I knew that our stats were good, but I never guessed that we could compare that to a conversation with a major organization that spent the big bucks to advertise on the Super Bowl! If we get 110,000+ unique visits over 30 days and someone gets 50,000 in one or two days and that is a successful Super Bowl advertising campaign…that makes me feel pretty good about our website traffic.

Here’s some graphics with our website traffic info:

Usage summary for hmmagazine.com

Summary by Month
Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Feb 2010 35211 30688 10505 2966 26175 10379509 26699 94546 276199 316899
Jan 2010 42107 36649 12643 3575 89127 44273420 110838 391950 1136143 1305322
Dec 2009 40420 34523 12857 3580 88664 37525115 110996 398587 1070213 1253041
Nov 2009 40311 34151 12770 3590 78609 42836084 107719 383108 1024550 1209341
Oct 2009 38537 32479 13371 3323 72790 33775154 103013 414522 1006863 1194674
