armadillobaby550True friends tell the truth, don’t they? I mean, if you have something embarrassing going on with your appearance, a true friend will tell you immediately to help you avoid further embarrassment.

This is the problem I see with those American Idol contestants that suck. I mean…don’t they have any friends that love them enough to tell them that they can’t sing? These contestants – you’ve seen them – who ridicule, refuse and argue with the judges that tell them they can’t sing. They must not have any friends.

American Idol has a lot going for it. You’ve got the humor of these deceived people thinking they’re singers. It’s sometimes embarrassing and hard to watch their humiliation. The more grace a person has, the harder it is for them to watch, I think. I don’t really watch the show, but my wife and daughters do. They’ll sit down and watch a recording of a show some day when it’s convenient for us.

I tell ya (and this is an interruption worth making), my friend Tim Cook (manager for POD) said it best when he said, “Dude, one of the greatest inventions of all time, which will change your life, is the TIVO (or DVR).” It allows you to watch something when you want to. Your life stops revolving around some TV programmer’s schedule and force it to revolve around yours. There’s great liberation to that. I tell ya, it’s the truth.

So, anyway, I’ll be in the room and sit down with the family to watch an occasional episode. I have a lot of respect for my wife, because she often fast-forwards through those embarrassing people-in-denial-about-their-lack-of-talent fits. She can’t bear to watch those poor, friendless people argue with Randy or Simon… “It’s just too sad,” she says.

American Idol also has the fine entertainment value of the great songs they’ll perform later on in the season. I’m guessing this kicks into gear mostly after they narrowed it down to 12 finalists. The quality of those performances are sometimes really good. They’ll also have some legendary artists on to help the singers through the songs they’ll perform. Good stuff.

There’s also the drama of people getting voted off. You tune in to see who’s going to make it to the next round, etc. The get-involved-by-voting thing is another strong point for the show. I think this show will be around for a good, long while.
