
In addition to our print magazine (I’ve gone on and on about my belief in the power and validity of print, so I won’t blabber on about it here), one of the things I plan on doing to keep our digital/online browser active for the years to come is to feature a best-of collection of articles from the past year.

Here’s where you get to be involved. I’ll post a survey link here. Simply vote for the articles you’d like to see. You can only vote once, but you can vote for and rank up to 13 feature articles (plus a write-in option), as many ads as you choose (please try to pick only one), and vote for and rank up to 12 album reviews (plus a write-in).

This should be fun. This will be round one. Once we get a couple hundred votes or so, we’ll collect the finalists and then have another survey. The next one won’t be such a chore!

Wow! When I look at this, I find it hard to remember my rank. As soon as I pick my fave (13 vote on the article), any other vote for a 13 will zero out the previous one…so it’s a challenge to remember your votes. The best way, I imagine, is to scan the 52 or so article options first. Then go back and rank. And then the same for the 72 album review options.

Whoo-hoo! Thanks for getting involved. Here’s the survey link:
Click Here to take survey
