
I recently went home to spend some time with my mom, who lives in Florida. While on the way there I saw a billboard on I-10 somewhere in Louisiana that said “Judgment Day” was coming on May 21, 2001. I tried to whip out my camera/phone while driving, but didn’t get it snapped in time. I made a mental note to capture it on the return trip, but I filed that mental note in a place that got forgotten … right up until I saw it again. Flying by at 70 mph it was just too late. Here’s some links I’ve found on this weird thing.

I’m a skeptic when it comes to predicting the time of Christ’s return. Listening to and reading the rants of end times predictors can be a huge waste of time, but also entertaining and also intriguing.


And on to other random thoughts…
We got a check from GoGreenToGetGreen the other day as part of our cellphone recycling campaign. It was for $53. That’s not a ton of money, but every little bit helps. What’s cool about those is that most all of the phones donated, I assume, were just sitting around collecting dust and taking up room. Now they can be used for good and we received some financial help through it all.
