I wrote a note to a couple of my publicist friends, which got me to thinking, ‘I should share this with more people.’

I plan on transitioning into a part-time role with HM Mag and becoming the Home School Dad.
This is going to be a challenge (as reducing my work hours when I’m always behind it seems anyway would suggest), but one that should be do-able and will help HM survive in print. My wife will be (Lord willing) going back to work as a nurse. This will reduce expenses at HM, as I’ll be officing out of our house instead of at the HM Ranch.

If you can, please keep your eyes open for any opportunities to help HM or if something comes to mind that might help us, pass it on. HM is going to need help to survive and thrive. Anything you can do to help, like prayer, is much appreciated.

Now, one thing I’ve wanted to discuss for awhile is this idea that I’ve had in my head since last December of raising a “volunteer army” for HM Magazine. I’m not sure what this will look like. Hopefully, the creativity behind this group of volunteers will be greater than my little attempt at an HM Army emblem here. haha
HM ARMY patch
Maybe we can figure out what this will look like together. Would you be interested in helping HM Magazine out for a season? Most likely that would mean helping out from where you are (whether that’s in Holland, Japan, Wisconsin or New Mexico), but it could possibly mean occupying the HM Ranch house with some other volunteers. That might be a long way down the road, but it’s a possibility. Take a look at these photos. Do you think you’d like to help out HM for a season here? It’s just a thought.


Thanks to the wonderful Megan Graham for the HM Ranch photos.
