…about french press coffee. It is far superior to drip!

(that’s a new joke I thought up the other day)… Say, “Adolph Hitler was right…” and pause for effect (and ruffle the feathers of those who hear) and then conclude by saying something trivial that he may have said about something innocuous, like coffee, tea or the weather…

And speaking of Hitler, our beloved inter… I won’t reveal any identities, but let’s just call this guy “Dan.” He said, “We should edit some sub-titles on that Hitler youtube video (which has been done dozens of times with various levels of humor about several topics, like sports and current events) and have him screaming about Flatfoot 56 being on the cover of the latest issue (instead of another great choice, like Demon Hunter).”

I thought it was a funny idea, but one of those “funny ideas” that doesn’t get acted on for one of several reasons – the most obvious of which being I’ve never edited subtitles on a video before, much less downloaded a video from youtube. After further review, though, I thought, ‘Why not? How hard can it be?’ I asked “Dan” to explore the idea and he got into it, pumping out a funny script in no time. I was able to find a free youtube downloader program and with a little trial and error was able to learn the method of adding titles to a movie. It was a little tedious to try and match the phrasing and pacing, but after awhile we were done. We didn’t get to see the final rendered version before we headed into Austin to catch a great show with O’brother, The Feature, Chris Staples and Manchester Orchestra, but once I was home it was ready to upload.

Now, it’s your turn to watch and laugh. Enjoy!
