So, I cannot wait for my lunch break today … because I am going to turn the volume on my smartphone up, plug my headphones into my ears and blast 11 new Lust Control mixed and mastered songs. I got to work early, so I was able to hear “Faith, Don’t Fail Me Now,” which sounded good. I am so excited to finally hear these versions. We’ve been waiting since the very end of October last year.

I am looking forward to checking out the new (FREE) issue of HM Magazine, too. I have been too busy, it seems, to read this new issue yet. I can’t wait. Maybe I’ll listen to new LC music and read new HM content at the same time. This kind of multi-tasking I like.

And work is keeping me busy. I’m trying to test out a Twitter widget I designed for use at the State Fair of Texas. I’m going to paste in the code here and see how it works.
