Does anyone else change the lyrics to this song when they’re playing it loud and singing along? I’ll share the words I just made up tonight:

“I do – be – lieve in love, I’ve seen it from – the hand of God
I do – be – lieve in love, I’ve seen it in – my life today…”

Man, that song has a great melody! Gotta hand it to Queensryche. They sure peaked with their Operation Mindcrime album – the theme, the playing, the full mix of their sound all came together for a perfect, classic album. I wonder if I would have given it a five out of five had I reviewed it when it came out? I wouldn’t have reviewed it in Heaven’s Metal Magazine back then, but I would have read with interest a review from a believer’s perspective that might’ve been published in, say, Campus Life Magazine.

I do appreciate the voice of a believer sharing from his or her biblically-shaped worldview. It’s how we learn about life, you know? How is a teenager supposed to learn about the possible peer pressure to use drugs … unless someone shares some words from a biblically-shaped worldview? That’s what it’s about. I bet there are some believers who freak out when they hear the words “biblically-shaped worldview.” The word “world” is possibly stamped in their mind as being linked to the word “worldly” and thus has a negative connotation. The wonderful thing about this life is that God has redeemed us. We don’t blink up into heaven the minute we are saved. No, God has some work to do with us down here. That’s right, He limits Himself. He could do all the good works Himself, but He doesn’t. He could do a much better job – a perfect job – in much less time. But He chooses to use us. We are the hands and feet of Christ. It’s His plan all along. He wants us to live in this world and make a difference. Sometimes that difference might be reviewing a new Metallica album and giving insight into how a lyric here or even a new melody there can reflect something of God’s creation.

It’s funny (and sad) how we’ve adopted a proven heresy into our thinking. The gnostics separated everything into flesh and spirit. Spirit was good, flesh was bad. Never mind that God told Peter to “rise, kill and eat” (and we can presume “enjoy”) the meat (animals) set before him. Never mind that Jesus respected children. Do you know what children do 80% of the time (possibly closer to 95%)?? They PLAY! They have fun. Why can’t we be like children? Some of us are. Do you know what those some have in their lives? FREEDOM.

Have you ever danced before the Lord?

Let me ask you again. Guys, I’m talking to you. Yep. You. The one with the testicles. Have you ever closed your eyes, spun around and danced before the Lord? I have. Let me tell you, I had a huge smile on the inside and outside. I felt like God was pleased. This isn’t the whole of life (it’s not dance time all the time), but it is indeed part – and it’s a joyous part.

There I go again – preaching. What’s my deal?

I went on a run tonight. I think it’s the first time since the divorce that I’ve gone out and worked out almost like a form of therapy. I ran longer than I usually run – twice as far. My poor dog. On the uphill finish around here, he was really dragging behind. Once I slowed to a walk and gave him a chance, he got a spring back in his step and started trotting again. He sure devoured the water at the midway and finish of the run. Usually I go about 15 minutes and run about a mile and a half. Tonight I went about 35 minutes. 45 total, but my daughter called and I walked during some of the conversation. I ran at other times. She said it sounded like “a horse eating carrots.” Ha. I see how she could describe it that way.

My body is feeling better now that it’s exercised. I’ve felt kind of bad for the past month or so. Due to my work schedule, I didn’t have the usual time to spend working out at the nearby gym. I still haven’t found a time that’ll work. Perhaps running will be the new workout regimine for me. I’ve lost a lot of weight in the past year. 40 pounds, but I’ve felt my smaller stomach getting stretched lately with my lack of exercise and eating slightly larger portions. My weight has stayed that same (172 – aren’t you glad I’m sharing all these details?), but I’ve felt the need to put some purpose behind the stomach-flattening stuff. I’m digging wearing these smaller, tighter clothes … and I don’t want to go back – ever.

I am happy to report that my band has two back-to-back gigs scheduled for July 12 and 13th. I want everyone to come out and hear us, okay? Who knows, maybe our illustrious mixer/master guy will actually be finished with our album by then. Gosh, I hope so. Today I was invited to speak at a church in Georgetown the Sunday after these two gigs. That’s going to be a full weekend! I’m looking forward to it.

Man, I feel great right now! I think I could stay up pretty late tonight and feel energetic the whole time. I like this. I plan on getting a canvas out and painting tonight. This will be the first time in forever. I hope I have the materials here (the paints and brushes). This will be a special one. I hope it turns out good.
