
Turning Work Into Play

This is the title of a brochure that I bring to all the W.A. meetings that I host (at the Lago Vista POA Activity Center – Primrose Room if you’d ever like to join me on a Tuesday night from 7 to 8pm). It’s an interesting concept. It talks about the “all work and no play” mindset, as well as turning work on its ear and learning to enjoy it.

I like the idea of not being a slave. I like to think in terms of violence, sports and emotional words. Sorry, that’s just how I like to express myself sometimes. What I mean by that is when I say something like, “I want to dominate my job and not be its slave.” For me it conjures up the emotion and passion of Moses killing an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite slave. Or the emotion of a black slave overpowering his stupid white racist “owner” and killing him. Yeah, I could learn something about gentleness and pacifist resistance, but I’m talking words and emotions here, not actual violence.

I mean to wage war on the things that will destroy me. If it’s a lazy attitude that will make me fat an unhealthy and susceptible to disease, then I will wage are against my will and whip my body into shape by forcing myself to exercise with determination, willpower and good, old discipline. If it’s an unhealthy “addiction” to work that causes me to ignore more important things (like healthy, balanced living for myself and/or time with my loved ones who just want to spend time with me and have my attention), then I will violently oppose these attitudes and bring them down with the power of truth. Again, not fists flying, just the two-edged sword of truth and a balanced life.

I guess I like the dramatic. Anyway, I thought I’d share the contents of this brochure. It’s a good one:

Here is a PDF of the document. It’s laid out like a tri-fold brochure, so read page 2 first.
