Future of HM

[For Immediate Release]
As we look into the future of our magazine, we believe we see print. We’re all about tablets, apps and online/digital editions, but we are strongly committed to the printed page. There’s something about holding something in your hands, the ability to put a poster on your wall, the transport-ability of a magazine. 2009 and 2010 have not been kind to print magazines. We’ve seen several cease print. We hope and pray that we will not follow suit and so we’ve developed some strategies. The first big move we’d like to make is to go from bi-monthly frequency (6 issues a year) to quarterly (4).

I’m reminded of our first few years in print. Back then (1985 – ’87) we might only put out 4 issues in a year, but that wasn’t exactly intentional. It was more a result of less on-time demands and less of the kind of restrictions that newsstand on-sale dates and advertisers’ announcements brought with growth. While it’d be tempting to adopt some of those carefree attitudes again, we don’t plan on sliding past deadlines again.

This is a very intentional and strategic decision that we hope will place HM Magazine back in a place of strength as a publisher. Our 25th Anniversary last year was an exciting milestone to pass and now we’d like to see our 30th Anniversary edition roll off the presses in four short years. While many prognosticators wax poetic about the music industry’s financial woes, which is nothing to ignore, an open ear to the music out there still gives us a thrill and a hope for the future. Like we’ve always said, “Bring it on!”

Doug Van Pelt
HM Magazine
